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Your Life in Jelly Beans

What are you doing with your jelly beans?

I'm late to the party on this video dated June 2013 - close to 7 million of you beat me to it.  28,835 jelly beans... that's how many days we all get on average. The breakdown of how we consume these jelly beans is eye opening.I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but I for one can look back and say that I pissed away far too many prime orange flavoured jelly beans.  Those teen years right up into my early thirties spent without any clear direction save for one - my first daughter.  She picked up every last one of those tangy orange suckers and lobbed them back into my cart. Like I'd never tossed them in the first place.

Then my wife came along and those jelly beans got fruitier and tastier - now my second daughter has arrived many, many years later and I find this video bringing it all into perspective.  Every little jelly bean counts, especially when I get to share each one with my girls.Life's pretty cool.  And this is pretty damn inspirational.

Those jelly beans of the past are gone. But we all have a few left, what shall we do with them?