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Why Engagement Photography is a Must

Why Engagement Photography is a Must

Engagement photos are a must, but not for the reasons you might think

E-sessions are awesome for so many reasons. Engagement photography is perfect for freezing this pre-wedding romance in time - that's the no-brainer everyone thinks about with an engagement session.  However, it also provides a few more, less obvious benefits...


All these wonderful images you're going to have need to go somewhere - don't you dare say, "ya dude, my phone and facebook".  No.  Think cool... like real cool. Engagement album, think leather bound, flushmount similar in quality to your eventual wedding album - but slightly different for contrast-sake.  Perhaps a guest sign in book showcasing your e-session photos - there's always a few guests who leave ya some real pearls of wisdom in those.How about large prints greeting guests as they arrive?

Save the Date Engagement Photo kids

Invitations, event cards, programs, wedding itinerary cards are all smaller options that also offer some DIY fun for your crafty-side.  It's also great to have some professional images if someone's putting together a wedding slideshow - this helps offset the awkward sitting on the toilet as a 5 year old photos that will no doubt be included.


Engagement photography also lets you get to know your photographer a little better before the wedding.  When it comes to photos, a solid, comfortable relationship is what's going to bring out those amazing expressions.  If you're not 100% comfortable with your photographer there's a high chance it's going to show in your wedding photos.Having this time ahead of the wedding let's everyone relax and it let's your photographer get to seek out and read the chemistry between you and your hubby. Things like laughing triggers, cute personality quirks (yes, you have some!) etc.


When I arrive with all my gear to shoot the prep photos with you and your bridal party - it's now an easy and comfortable transition for them.  They've seen your engagement photos, and they trust my team and I can take a decent photo of them.  Now it's high-fives all around and we can dive right in!