Wedding Survival Kit for Brides

Wedding Day Emergency Kit

The Bride's Complete Wedding Day Emergency Kit

Your wedding day emergency kit is a must-have for brides who like to cover their bases and be ready for anything.  No matter how detailed your day-of wedding day itinerary is, shit happens.  This list is extensive and any bride wishing to check every one of these boxes is going to need a moving van to hold it all.  Instead, sit down with your bridesmaids over some wine and pick the ones you feel are a must - and that can fit in a standard size tote bag.

A Bride's Wedding Day Survival Kit

  1. Blister Treatment

  2. Blotting papers - Absorb shine and oil, your photos will thank you

  3. Flip-flops, flats - Weddings involve a lot of walking, wearing your 4" heels everywhere is no bueno

  4. Sewing Kit

  5. Nail File

  6. Lotion

  7. Sunscreen

  8. Tide to Go Pen

  9. Tide to Go Stain Eraser

  10. Bug Spray - We're in Muskoka, you need this

  11. Lint Roller

  12. Straws - don't let the bride mess up her lipstick

  13. Baby powder - Hot summers, crowded receptions and pesky nerves lead to sweat

  14. Q-Tips

  15. Face Mist - One spritz of a high-quality face mist or makeup setter can do wonders

  16. First Aid Kit - even just a few band-aids are helpful

  17. Mints - Have your maid of honour hand you a couple before you walk down the aisle for minty fresh vows and first kiss

  18. Benadryl - Allergies happen. Especially at outdoor weddings

  19. Bobby Pins - Black and/or brown to match hair colours

  20. Granola Bars - Stay hydrated and well snacked

  21. Dental Flossers - thanks to #20 above, you now have granola stuff wedged in there

  22. Clear Nail Polish – Classic trick for runs in nylons and tights

  23. Fragrance - All you need is a tried-and-true rollerball so you can dab a scent on your pulse points to smell amazing all day.

  24. Chapstick - SPF chapstick would be better

  25. Aleve/Advil/Tylenol - you get the picture.

  26. Hand Wipes

  27. Earring Backs

  28. Eye Drops

  29. Safety Pins

  30. Tissues - have your maid of honour handy with these

  31. Deodorant

  32. Scissors

  33. Hand Sanitizer

  34. Mouthwash - Leave your bridal suite as fresh as can be

  35. Water

As a bonus, here's the Essential Wedding Day Go Bag checklist!  Once you're prep is finished and it's time to leave your bridal suite, be sure to bring a small bag with these useful, on-the-fly items:

  1. Blotting papers - Absorb shine and oil, your photos will thank you

  2. Flip-flops, flats - Weddings involve a lot of walking, wearing your 4" heels everywhere is no bueno

  3. Sunscreen

  4. Bug Spray - We're in Muskoka, you need this

  5. Safety Pins

  6. Tissues

  7. Water

  8. Mints


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